This free ebook distills the practical essence of what really goes on inside data businesses. With short and role-relevant sections littered with links to great resources, quizzes, and points of reflection, it is aimed to help everyone more effectively engage with data more effectively, and break down the specialist barriers that emerge in enterprises.

Topics include:

  • Data Governance, Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges

  • Privacy and Regulation

  • Analytics Operating Models including Data Mesh and the role of DataOps

  • Data Integration, Data Lakes, Data Warehouses and Operational Data Stores

  • Data Storytelling, Visualisation, Critical Thinking and Decision Making

  • Data Quality Measurement, Monitoring, and Fitness for Purpose

  • Thinking Data as a Product, Publishing Data, and Marketplaces

  • Statistics

  • Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised and Reinforcement Learning

  • Decision Automation and Model Lifecycles

  • Ethical AI

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The pandemic-fuelled isolation supercharged the trend toward remote work. Employees have made the shift, but the cracks are starting to show in our management practices. What used to work no longer does, and the truth it, maybe it never did. We are only just remotely managing.

This book is a from-the-trenches guide that challenges long-standing management articles of faith, and reveals how ‘The Conversational Enterprise’ can help bolster a struggling management layer. By demystifying and tying together artificial intelligence, people analytics, bots, employee experience, and agile HR, Peter reveals ways to transform your business into a scalable, efficient, data-driven - but very human workplace.